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Fashion your life around a garland of good deeds...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Feel good staying home.

I spent last weekend at home.
I must admit it felt a little strange especially since most of my friends were out celebrating.
But I wanted to hibernate and spend some time in solitude.

So I got down to doing things I often put off, just to make my time at home seem more productive.

Here is a useful list that I go by;

- Clear out your work desk/study area.
Yup, sounds boring but one of the sure fix ways to feel good about staying in.
Go through all those bills, papers, receipts etc, rsvp to invites that you have been putting off.
Wipe down the desktop and dust all your books.
Trash everything that serves no purpose to me anymore.
To inprove the feng shui, place a potted plant on your table
and make sure your back doesn't face the door of the room so you don't 'turn your back on your career/work'.

- Try out that recipe you've always wanted to master.
Jamie Olivier, Nigella Dawson, whoever tickles your taste bud fancy, try out their recipes.
If you don't have the ingredients at hand, make do with what you have.
Check your pantry then google a recipe that works all the ingredients together and voila...
satisfied and full. :)

- Bathe the pets. 
If you don't have any, water the plants, trim them and sing a song to each of them.
They'll bloom tomorrow!

- Go through your wardrobe.
Give those unused outfits away...
pass it on,  and give it to someone who'll make much better use of it than you.
Goddess knows we can never quality control our fashion enough.
And it feels even better if we can spread some style around.

- Get with the program and get online.
Spring clean your computer.
Tidy up those wires and back up your hard drives.
Don't wait for the mercury retrograde.
Go through emails long overdue, reply to faraway friends,
update yourself with current fashion or hip blogs.
It may sounds trivial but time flies by when you are engrossed in good writing and reading.

- Do the laundry. 
Yup, and those chores you have been procrastinating on,
little things like wiping the fan blades down or putting in the order for new sofa covers. Get to it.
The end result is so rewarding, you can have a bloody mary after and feel no guilt.

- Put that exercise routine to use.
Yeah the 1 dvd or video file, be it yoga, belly dancing, or dance class
that we either ordered through the mail, downloaded or picked up at the fitness center
that we swore we'll do religiously but has been gathering dust in the dvd station for months. 
Go sweat!

- Meditate
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and focus on your breath.
Observe the thoughts that come into your mind then radiate love, peace and joy from your consciousness.
You'll be amazed at how good you'll feel after sitting still for 20mins, focusing on yourself.

- Clear out your make-up or toiletries
Eye shadows and powder packs should be chucked out after a year.
Applicators like brushes and sponges should be washed weekly.
Let's not forget, all this goes on your face and skin so if you find it wasteful,
think about all that bacteria you are spreading around.
Also, if there is a cream or lotion sitting in the back of the lot,
which you haven't opened or touched in months,
give it away to someone who'll use it.

Well, that's it for now.
There are heaps of other things to productively do at home but personally,
sorting your own shit out first should be priority.

I've always been a 'house proud' personality.
Now I can be 'productive house' personality too.

Have a lovely weekend ahead.

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