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Fashion your life around a garland of good deeds...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A poem for poets

I miss writing poetry. And reading poetry.
I miss being read poetry in bed.
Or being given a poem.
Poetry is dying. And that seems so sad.

So I'm gonna give it a go... 

I feel somewhat down,
I feel a little blue,
I feel like I've lost something precious,
Something comforting I found in you.

I don't know where it's gone,
And I don't know what that means,
I can't help but feel disillusioned and caught up in my dreams.

I want to bring it back,
And show the world what I see so clear.
But it's hard to shine a light on all that darkness and fear.

These days it seems hard to believe in the good and the kind.
And we waste our energy on trivial things that take up all our time.

So simply put here, today...
is a tiny salute to poets then and now.
And poetry for human kind , always and anyhow.


Fooling someone...

"I've never fooled anyone.
I've let people fool themselves.
They didn't bother to find out who and what I was.
Instead they would invent a character for me.
I wouldn't argue with them.
They were obviously loving somebody I wasn't."
Marilyn Monroe

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Here's a snippet of an incredibly interesting post I found.

The takeaway
I first heard about a possible connection between a supermoon and earthly disasters from a website called Psychic Connection.
It predicted “severe weather patterns, increased seismic activity, tsunamis and more volcanic eruptions than normal.”
In my 40 years of writing about the sky, I’ve never heard of a connection between full moons and severe weather. Can’t comment on that one.
There are mentions in the scientific literature of a possible connection between full moons and geologic activity.
The moon does indeed cause tides in the solid body of Earth, just as it causes ocean tides.
So it’s logical to assume an especially close full moon might cause geologic activity to increase,
and occasionally I’ve seen random (dare I say “fringe?”) studies suggesting this connection.
In reality, is the connection between the moon and geologic activity a strong one?
I’ve never seen a study showing a striking pattern between close full moons and increased geologic activity.
Will the March 19, 2011 full moon
--which coincides with the moon’s closest point to Earth--
bring more earthquakes and tsunamis? Will it cause volcanic eruptions?
Let me ask another question first.
Why, I wonder, do people want to believe in unfounded predictions for disasters?
The moon’s distance from Earth is changing continually.
The full moon on March 19 will be a close one,
but there’s no scientific evidence it will cause any of those events.
The March 11 moon does not prove the supermoon-earthquake theory.
In fact, it disproves it. Plus we know of closer full moons than the March 19 moon that did no harm.
Will the March 19, 2011 close full moon cause floods?
Yes, that’s different. Now we’re on more solid ground.
Close full moons do cause maximum tidal ranges.
So if a storm moves into a coastline on the day a full moon is closest,
it can cause flooding along that coast.
If you live along a coast, and a storm is heading your way on or around March 19...
expect possible flooding and take precautions.
I don’t believe science knows everything. Clearly, it doesn’t.
But we live in a complicated world, a world that features gobs of misinformation flying willy-nilly on the Interwebs, terrifying people at every turn.
So – I believe – it’s important to separate fact from fiction.
The March 19, 2011 supermoon is interesting, but it’s no reason to think that more earthly disasters are looming on the near horizon.
Better to focus instead on what’s really important now--looking to the reality of the March 11, 2011 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Japan and subsequent tsunami in the Pacific--and responding with our hopes, prayers and support.

To read more, go to

Happy Moon Gazing tonight.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Getting into the Habit

The Organic habit, that is.
Now if you really want to get down, to the nitty gritty (pun totally intended) of food these days,
there's only one way I would recommend.
Read the book "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safron Foer

He gives us the A-Z, literally (pun intended again) with this book on our consumption habits
and how we are destroying our planets, our guts and our future with our detachment and ignorance.
He urges us to stop looking the other way and addresses issues we've been too cowardly to confront.

Anyway since reading the book and being pescetarian for 8 years now,
I wanted to make more of an effort to be Eco-conscious
and to eat organic whenever I can.

So here is a lists of a few organic food suppliers in Singapore that do home deliveries. :)
(Courtesy of www.organicfood.sg)

GreenCircle Eco-Farm
This biodynamic organic vegetable farm offers vegetables such as 
kangkong, caixin, pumpkin and endive.
To order:
Telephone : 6861 9286
Email : NA
URL: www.greencircle.com.sg

Nature's Glory
Offers more than 150 types of organic vegetables and fruits.
Customers are free to choose what they want for delivery.
To order:
Telephone : NA  
Email : NA
URL: www.natures-glory.com

Organic Himalayan
Organic vegetables and fruits are flown from Nepal every fortnight. 
Customers pick what they want from a list in an email sent to members  every two weeks.
To order:
Telephone : Na  
Email : cynthiahoefer@mac.com

Sunny Choice
Offers a wide range of organic vegetables from abroad and local farms. 
Sunny Choice has a cafe serving organic meals and ice cream.
To order:
Telephone : 6892 2383  
Email : NA

Offers five types of fruit and vegetable boxes containing pre-selected items for different dietary needs. Each box contains nine to twelve types of fruits and vegetables based on seasonal availability.
To order:
Telephone : 6304 1338  
Email : NA
URL: www.supernature.com.sg

Offers a variety of 18 Asian or European vegetables and fruits. 
Their "Family Box Set" will be able to last a family of two or four for a week.
To Order:
Telephone : 
6479 2598 (Tel), 6491 6566 (Fax)  
Email : service@bunalun.com
URL: www.bunalun.com.sg

Fire Flies Health Farm
Grown in the organic farm in Lim Chu Kang, they offer a wide range of fruits and vegetables.
Delivery schedules are made to accomodate individual requests.
To order:
Telephone : 6793 7875 (Tel), 6794 6908 (Fax)
Email : info@fireflies.sg
URL: www.fireflies.sg

Have an orgasmic, oops I meant Organic week. :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Christina Aguilera - You Lost Me

I've always loved Christina.... even through her 'dirty' days.
I've always appreciated the power of her pipes.
And I think she is a blond bombshell. Mother and all. :)

Her performance in Burlesque was really quite memorable and
now she's done this song "You Lost me" which I love.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Music says everything.....

So I had to post this video on my blog because I love it so much.
It makes me smile, even when I am sad inside.

And this week, I have been treated to INCREDIBLE music.
It was Faithless at Fort Canning on Tuesday
which I think is the best concert
I've seen since the Prodigy 2 years ago.
Then Andy Fletcher on decks last night at Kudeta for the Dope party
plus a bonus when Brian Tiong and Mark Lee hit the decks at the restaurant sky deck bar.

And tonight, I am on my couch, watching the Grammy's on Star World HD.

Totally blessed.
So now turn up the volume, open your mind and enjoy this awesome video.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Feel good staying home.

I spent last weekend at home.
I must admit it felt a little strange especially since most of my friends were out celebrating.
But I wanted to hibernate and spend some time in solitude.

So I got down to doing things I often put off, just to make my time at home seem more productive.

Here is a useful list that I go by;

- Clear out your work desk/study area.
Yup, sounds boring but one of the sure fix ways to feel good about staying in.
Go through all those bills, papers, receipts etc, rsvp to invites that you have been putting off.
Wipe down the desktop and dust all your books.
Trash everything that serves no purpose to me anymore.
To inprove the feng shui, place a potted plant on your table
and make sure your back doesn't face the door of the room so you don't 'turn your back on your career/work'.

- Try out that recipe you've always wanted to master.
Jamie Olivier, Nigella Dawson, whoever tickles your taste bud fancy, try out their recipes.
If you don't have the ingredients at hand, make do with what you have.
Check your pantry then google a recipe that works all the ingredients together and voila...
satisfied and full. :)

- Bathe the pets. 
If you don't have any, water the plants, trim them and sing a song to each of them.
They'll bloom tomorrow!

- Go through your wardrobe.
Give those unused outfits away...
pass it on,  and give it to someone who'll make much better use of it than you.
Goddess knows we can never quality control our fashion enough.
And it feels even better if we can spread some style around.

- Get with the program and get online.
Spring clean your computer.
Tidy up those wires and back up your hard drives.
Don't wait for the mercury retrograde.
Go through emails long overdue, reply to faraway friends,
update yourself with current fashion or hip blogs.
It may sounds trivial but time flies by when you are engrossed in good writing and reading.

- Do the laundry. 
Yup, and those chores you have been procrastinating on,
little things like wiping the fan blades down or putting in the order for new sofa covers. Get to it.
The end result is so rewarding, you can have a bloody mary after and feel no guilt.

- Put that exercise routine to use.
Yeah the 1 dvd or video file, be it yoga, belly dancing, or dance class
that we either ordered through the mail, downloaded or picked up at the fitness center
that we swore we'll do religiously but has been gathering dust in the dvd station for months. 
Go sweat!

- Meditate
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and focus on your breath.
Observe the thoughts that come into your mind then radiate love, peace and joy from your consciousness.
You'll be amazed at how good you'll feel after sitting still for 20mins, focusing on yourself.

- Clear out your make-up or toiletries
Eye shadows and powder packs should be chucked out after a year.
Applicators like brushes and sponges should be washed weekly.
Let's not forget, all this goes on your face and skin so if you find it wasteful,
think about all that bacteria you are spreading around.
Also, if there is a cream or lotion sitting in the back of the lot,
which you haven't opened or touched in months,
give it away to someone who'll use it.

Well, that's it for now.
There are heaps of other things to productively do at home but personally,
sorting your own shit out first should be priority.

I've always been a 'house proud' personality.
Now I can be 'productive house' personality too.

Have a lovely weekend ahead.